Day 1
Exhibition area (Dedicated area for Jakarta Smart City)
Wednesday, 26th July 2023
TimeActivityTopicDescriptionSpeaker Details
10.30 – 11.00Registrasi peserta sesi I
11.00 – 12.00Sesi IProduct Design JAKIJakarta Smart City merupakan sebuah inisiatif yang mengintegrasikan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk menerapkan kebijakan publik yang efisien dan berdasarkan data. Data for public policy menjadi menjadi pendorong transformasi kota yang lebih cerdas. Data yang terkumpul dari berbagai sumber, seperti sensor-sensor IoT, aplikasi seluler, dan platform online, digunakan untuk memahami pola-pola perilaku masyarakat, mengukur kinerja infrastruktur kota, dan mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi. Data tersebut dianalisis dan diterjemahkan menjadi kebijakan-kebijakan publik yang terukur dan tepat sasaran. Dengan pemanfaatan data, Jakarta Smart City dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik, mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya, serta mendorong partisipasi aktif masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan untuk mencapai kota yang lebih inklusif, berkelanjutan, dan maju ke depan.1. Muhamad Nishafur Himmah Alkhotibi, Assistant Manager Project, Jakarta Smart City
2. Farid Ridwan
3. Jofi Pamungkas
12.00 – 14.30Break
14.30 – 15.00Registrasi peserta sesi II
15.00 – 16.00Sesi IIData for Public Policy  Melalui Jakarta Smart City, Jakarta menghadirkan inovasi Integrasi Transformasi Digital Pelayanan Publik untuk memudahkan lebih dari 11 juta penduduk Jakarta dalam mengakses kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan satu platform super-app yang disebut JAKI. Dalam transformasinya, JAKI sudah mengalami tiga kali perubahan versi, yaitu 1.0, 2.0 dan 3.0, dan akan terus dikembangkan demi menghadirkan pengalaman terbaik untuk para pengguna. Tim Jakarta Smart City terus mengembangkan JAKI dimulai dengan melakukan pengumpulan data-data hingga melakukan riset terhadap pengalaman pengguna. Dengan berkolaborasi dengan berbagai macam stakeholders dari instansi pemerintah maupun swasta, JAKI kini memiliki lebih dari 13 fitur unggulan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh warga Jakarta dan akan terus dikembangkan. Ingin mengetahui lebih dalam sejarah dan perkembangan JAKI? Temukan kami di acara Digital Transformation Indonesia Conference and Expo (DTI-CX), JIEXPO Convention Centre and Theatre, 26-27 Juli 2023.1. Dwi Laras
2. Juan Intan Kanggrawan
3. Annida Fitriyya
16.00 – 16.15Akhir acara
Day 2
Exhibition area
Thursday, 27th July 2023
Product demonstrations are a fantastic means of creating publicity and getting your product demoed and sampled by key industry figures and potential new customers. By creating an engaging, interactive, and well-published product demo, you can guarantee you will generate a number of leads and maximize your experience at DTI Expo.
TimeCompany NameTopicProduct/Solution DescriptionSpeaker Details
10.00 – 10.30Netweb Skylus Hyper Converged Infrastructure Zainal Abidin
Product Manager
10.40 – 11.10HR Path Supercharge your HR into an advanced transformation with NUBO NUBO, a pre-configured, standardized, best-in-class, ready to use HRIS packed with best practices to automate HR processes. Gigih A. Permana
HR Path
11.20 -11.50Intel Indonesia“4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Introduction 4th Gen Intel®️ Xeon®️ Introduction Beny Ibrani
Cloud Solution Architect
Intel Indonesia
12.00 – 12.30Trusting Social   
12.40 – 13.10Telkomsat VSAT Star The Revolution Performance for Satellite Communication. Bringing Fiber-like Connectivity to Unserved/Underserved Areas to Bridging the Digital Divide in Indonesia Wayan Budiartha ( GM OLO Services Telkomsat) +62 812-1345-3423
13.20 – 13.50EIKON Technology   
14.00 – 14.30ZOHO CRM as the nerve centre of customer-centric companies Is the CRM really just a sales tool? It might have been the case once, but today, it goes far beyond that. In reality, a CRM serves anybody in a company who works for the customer – which is to say, everyone. In this session, we’ll be exploring how the CRM resides at the very core of a customer-centric culture. With Zoho, we can now transform the CRM into a space that facilitates the work of each function in a company. From marketing to operations to finance to support, the CRM brings everyone together to achieve what really matters: creating the customer experience of dreams. Empy Sumardi
PreSales Technical Engineer

Empy Sumardi is an experienced and accomplished application consultant with decades of experience. He is currently assigned as a Presales Technical Engineer for Zoho Corporation. Vastly skilled with ERP Implementation, Empy can quickly analyze businesses’ needs and provide the best fit solution. Currently, he focuses on assisting Indonesian clients in getting on board seamlessly to Zoho.
14.40 – 15.10ELO Digital Starting your digital transformation foundation through ECM ELO ECM Suite – the digitalization platform for your company

ECM is much more than just the digital archiving of documents:
ELO ECM Suite is all about working with “living“ documents in a system that enables users to retrieve all stored documents, data, and information by adapting to the company’s needs and business processes. ELO ECM Suite optimize the workflows together with solutions for various needs, such as Contracts, Invoices, Assets, HR, and many more.
VP of IT
ELO Digital
15.20 – 16.10BOOKED for Telkom
*Note: After every session there will be 10 minute break